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Sony Xperia 1   128 GB   Dual SIM   musta

Sony Xperia 1 128 GB Dual SIM musta

199,82 € - 264,18 €
Sony has always had a penchant for the extraordinary, which is why they gave the refurbed Sony Xperia 1 the world's first 4K P-OLED display with HDR, in the classic cinematic ratio of 21:9. With a triple camera setup, the Xperia 1 joins other pioneers of the premium generation, offering everything from a 16 mm (35 mm film equivalent) wide-angle lens to a 52 mm portrait telephoto lens. Also on board is Qualcomm's wonder processor, the Snapdragon 855. The completely renewed Sony Xperia 1 comes well presented in glass and metal, with the latest Android operating system.
Katso lisätietoja
Vertaa 2 tulokset


Alhaisin hinta ennätyksellinen (8.10.2024) : 199,82 € | Alhaisin hinta tänään : 199,82 €

Tuotteen Kuvaus

Sony has always had a penchant for the extraordinary, which is why they gave the refurbed Sony Xperia 1 the world's first 4K P-OLED display with HDR, in the classic cinematic ratio of 21:9. With a triple camera setup, the Xperia 1 joins other pioneers of the premium generation, offering everything from a 16 mm (35 mm film equivalent) wide-angle lens to a 52 mm portrait telephoto lens. Also on board is Qualcomm's wonder processor, the Snapdragon 855. The completely renewed Sony Xperia 1 comes well presented in glass and metal, with the latest Android operating system.


Tuotteen nimi
Sony Xperia 1 128 GB Dual SIM musta
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