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Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 44mm (2019)   R820   Alumiini   rosegold

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 44mm (2019) R820 Alumiini rosegold

85,50 €
The refurbed Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 is a sporty smartwatch that - thanks to the frameless design - doesn't look or feel as bulky as many other watches. Depending on the body variant you choose this can be a lightweight, slick watch: ideal for long runs. The completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 also makes it easy to keep track of your heart rate and is has intuitive controls thanks to the digital bezel.
Katso lisätietoja
Vertaa 1 tulos


Alhaisin hinta ennätyksellinen (5.9.2024) : 125,00 € | Alhaisin hinta tänään : 167,95 €

Tuotteen Kuvaus

The refurbed Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 is a sporty smartwatch that - thanks to the frameless design - doesn't look or feel as bulky as many other watches. Depending on the body variant you choose this can be a lightweight, slick watch: ideal for long runs. The completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 also makes it easy to keep track of your heart rate and is has intuitive controls thanks to the digital bezel.


Tuotteen nimi
Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 44mm (2019) R820 Alumiini rosegold
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