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Disney Frozen II Anna Doll

Disney Frozen II Anna Doll

24,95 € - 60,04 €
Disney Frozen 2 Anna dollAge: +3-4 years old. Size: 11,5x32,5x5cm. Includes 1 doll with interchangeable clothes and accessories. This Anna doll is inspired by the much-loved princess from Disneys Frozen 2.This articulated Anna fashion doll is wearing her black and purple travel outfit, consisting of a dainty cape and skirt and boots, all interchangeable. Annas hair can be brushed and she wears it half-up in a braid, just like in the movie! Its a perfect gift for boys and girls to recreate their favourite moments from Disneys Frozen 2, or to imagine their own thrilling adventures. Fans can collect all the Disney Frozen fashion dolls to imagine their own adventures in Arendelle and other faraway places. Sold separately and subject to availability. WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months.
Katso lisätietoja
Vertaa 3 tuloksena 2 vähittäiskauppiaat
(1) Arvostelut on luotu käyttäen useita lähteitä, mukaan lukien tietoja kauppiaalta ja julkisista lähteistä.


Alhaisin hinta ennätyksellinen (7.11.2024) : 24,93 € | Alhaisin hinta tänään : 26,65 €

Tuotteen Kuvaus

Disney Frozen 2 Anna dollAge: +3-4 years old. Size: 11,5x32,5x5cm. Includes 1 doll with interchangeable clothes and accessories. This Anna doll is inspired by the much-loved princess from Disneys Frozen 2.This articulated Anna fashion doll is wearing her black and purple travel outfit, consisting of a dainty cape and skirt and boots, all interchangeable. Annas hair can be brushed and she wears it half-up in a braid, just like in the movie! Its a perfect gift for boys and girls to recreate their favourite moments from Disneys Frozen 2, or to imagine their own thrilling adventures. Fans can collect all the Disney Frozen fashion dolls to imagine their own adventures in Arendelle and other faraway places. Sold separately and subject to availability. WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months.


Tuotteen nimi
Disney Frozen II Anna Doll
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